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4 Important Reasons Small Business Owners Need to Plan

Planning is a must for small business owners. Market studies show that 65-75% of individuals surveyed have not created estate plans, or their plans are outdated and ineffective. The percentage of unprotected individuals and families is usually higher for younger...

7 Key Areas to Know if Your Plan Needs Updating

In order to have the most effective estate plan possible, you should periodically take note of what has changed in your life. You should also be aware of what is changing with regards to the law (as best you can). Estate planning is not a one-time event. Instead, it...

Reduce Confusion By Organizing Your Estate Plan

And the Survey Says… Estate Planning is Confusing I’m always amazed to read how 60-70% of US families have outdated estate planning, and I wonder how can that be? Are lawyers really that poor of motivators? Do we lawyers really scare away that many...

The Interesting Results of a Powerful Survey on Estate Planning

WealthCounsel’s inaugural estate planning awareness survey recently came out, and the results were a fascinating treasure trove of information: Nearly half of the respondents believe that estate planning is only for the ultra-rich and most people don’t...

Why is an operating agreement important for my LLC?

Types of Businesses and Why They Need an Operating Agreement Businesses come in many forms ranging from the simple one owner sole proprietorship to the more complex Limited Liability Company (LLC) or Corporation. Most states, Missouri and Kansas included, have simple...